Saturday, 13 April 2013

Finchleys and Deskfaxes

The waiting is over (for now) and my Finchley's have arrived. They came special delivery, along with not one, but two deskfaxes.

I won't go into full details about pocket layouts etc, as most people are pretty au fait with them. Here is a link to Alice's blog if you want to see more detailed shots.

I think these two complete my Finchley family - I don't think I need any more. The colours of the Finchleys complement each other beautifully. I will do a brief post about my Finchley family in the not too distant future.

The flash has washed the green out a bit, it's a slightly
darker colour than this...

Waiting to go in their new home, where I have saved them
space next to their sister, Miss Vintage Rose
One of the reasons why I love the Finchleys, the lovely
stitching, including on the clasp

For today we will continue to the desk faxes, Richmond & Windsor. Both are brown, although the Windsor is a much warmer shade, unfortunately the picture doesn't show that very well.

Richmond Deskfax

Windsor Deskfax
The Richmond is much sturdier than the Windsor. Both have clearly seen a fair amount of usage, as witnessed by the various marks from general wear and tear (nothing big).

Windsor with minor (and slightly odd) marks

Internal layout of the Windsor - secretarial pocket on the left,
complete with ID slot and 8 credit card slots, and large zipped
pocket, notepad slot on the right

The clasp & pen loops (two) have seen some work :-)
No gaps in these rings...
Internal layout of the Richmond - 2 open pockets, a zipped
8 credit card slots and a smaller pocket on the left, with a
notepad slot and a further full length pocket on the right 

Richmond's clasp and pen loops (two again) - Richmond
arrived with a few inserts.

Again, good rings with no gaps 
A few rust marks 
 The ring mechanism on the Richmond has small amounts of rust, so needs a little TLC, and I have given both a little love with some beeswax polish when they arrived, just to give them a bit of a treat.

I was (and still am) amazed at the lovely condition that these vintage babies arrived in...



  1. What size rings do the deskfaxes have? And what plans do you have for them?? They're huge!

    1. They do seem huge, but actually they are between A5 & A4 size. At the moment I have no idea what I will do with them. They may turn out to be the perfect size for sketching if I'm ever brave enough to try :-)

  2. I love the colors! They look so soft!

    1. They are lovely and puffy soft (if that makes any sense?) :-)

  3. I just bought a Deskfax Kensington and a punch. I have several Richmonds and Windsor in Personal size, which I use a lot.

    1. I´m looking forward to trying out the Deskfaxes - I prefer the Windsor, but am thinking the sturdiness of the Richmond may make it more practical for sketching (although I have never been able to draw to save my life - I´d like to be creative, but generally I´m not, one of the drawbacks of being an accountant I fear). :-)
