Sunday, 6 November 2011

Happiness Binder - Filofax Decisions...

Well, well, well - what do you know? A decision is now required regarding which of my lovely filofaxes I should use as my happiness binder...

I have read about half of The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin now, without making any notes - I prefer to read first and then go back through and make notes later. I know this means that these things take twice as long, but it works for me and lets me pick out the bits that resonate with me the most.

Having read a fair bit now, I can see that quite a few of the things that I would be looking at doing for my happiness are covered in my 101 things to do in 1001 days list. However, this does not put me off setting up a happiness binder.

For the things that work for me and that I will continue to do, as opposed to those which are just one off events (eg a tandem skydive), I will include these in my happiness binder. Although I think that, at least initially, my happiness binder will be somewhere to store things that make me happy or inspire me - pictures, postcards, photos, quotes...

But to do this I need a storage device - and this is where my filos come in. I have already decided that I can't use a pocket FF for this task, so my options are out of the personals and A5s...

Personal Fresco

Personal Piazza in Sunflower

Personal Panama in Maroon

Left - personal Domino in green, right - personal Finsbury in Aqua (personal Finchley in Imperial Purple has already gone as this is my 101 in 1001 days FF)

Personal Botanic
A5 Graphic in red
As well as these, there is also the A5 Finchley in vintage rose that is currently being used as the family FF, and an A5 Chameleon in raspberry which will be arriving next Monday.

The other option is to buy an A5 domino (eBay preferably), as I would have no problem with covering one of those with stickers that make me happy.

The aqua Fins is currently my main personal filo, and is the first one I ever bought, but I will be getting a crimson Malden for Christmas, so could swap my Fins to my happiness binder.

The Piazza would have been a good one, but the colour isn't really bright enough to be classed as sunflower, so I'm not sure if it's bright enough to be a happiness binder...

Any input to assist me in this decision would be gratefully received - it took me days to decide which to use for the 101 in 1001 days, and I didn't have as many then :o)

I have now added a poll if you would like to vote.



  1. Why not put a poll on your blog and get people to help you decide....

  2. Oh my word - I am sooo flattered that you have commented on my blog (and that you even found it). The Philofaxy king himself :-)

    I did consider trying to add a poll, but being new to this game I haven't even managed to work out how to get the layout right yet (and the vote may go for me using one of my existing FFs, rather than buying a new one...). Today I have managed to add labels to each of my posts, but haven't actually managed to get the list of labels down the side.

    I have a week off soon, so will be spending some time trying to get it how I want it, and may even change the colour scheme as everyone seems to have this one now :-)

  3. I've just voted for the Finsbury, as I think the aqua is such a happy colour. Some time ago I was going to buy another filo as a happiness binder & it was either between the raspberry Metropol or the aqua Finsbury, such great colours :)

  4. I have to admit I do love my aqua Fins, it is with me all the time as I currently use it as my main personal FF. I did have an A5 one in the same colour which looked fabulous on my desk and in meetings, but I left it on the train, I was devastated... But everything happens for a reason - without my loss I wouldn't have looked at the sale and discovered what lovely inserts they have. :-)

  5. Aloha LJ:

    I agree with Anita; the pers Acqua Finsbury is such a happy, vibrant colour! However, since you use it as your main Filo, maybe the yellow Piazza would do for the time being?

    My Happiness! binder is currently housed in a plum Osterley, so I guess you could say it's happy in a Victoria Beckham "I may not crack a smile but trust me, I am doing cartwheels inside" sort of way ;oP

    Whatever Filo you end up choosing, it'll be awesome.

  6. Well the Fins is in the lead at the mo, and I know that just looking at it makes me happy - having the A5 one on my desk always made me smile. I think my two favourites are the aqua personal Fins and the raspberry A5 Chameleon, but I do love them all so will be happy with whichever one is chosen for me :o) Although I have to admit that I will feel a little relieved if it is the aqua Fins that is chosen, then I don't have to face the angst of turning it over for the crimson Malden... I tried to move into my purple Finchley once, and just felt like I was a bad mother!!! :o)
