I Am Happiest When:
There is no drama
My boys are happy
Ben is happy
Any of the above give me hugs for no reason, just because they feel like it
Music triggers old memories
The sun is shining
The landscape is beautiful
I am seeing/learning/discovering new things
Spending time with friends
I have watched a stimulating musical
I watch a film that makes me cry (I feel lighter afterwards)
I have achieved something
I have direction
Someone I know/love/miss hugs me like they mean it (Lisa/Washy/Rhos/Lynnie)
I visit places that hold memories for me and I can just wander round and soak it up
I’m singing and no-one else can hear me
Starting writing on a fresh sheet of paper
I smell the season change
What makes you happy?
Knowing that my Children and their Children and Partners are Happy x x